Livello Height Adjustable Bench
The office needs to move. The Height-Adjustable Bench provides each user individual control of their work and movement. A wide product scope allows sit/stand height adjustability to be easily integrated in bench planning environments.
The Height-Adjustable Bench is based on the Livello electric sit/stand mechanisms and aesthetic.
Single or linked, stations create a workspace that fully supports user sit/stand work heights, technology requirements and individual privacy.
Aesthetic and physical integration with Interpret™, Leverage® and other Teknion® systems products is supported in an offering focused on systems details, common screen datums, multiple electrical packages and two ranges of electric height adjustment.
The office needs to move. The Height-Adjustable Bench provides each user individual control of their work and movement. A wide product scope allows sit/stand height adjustability to be easily integrated in bench planning environments.
The Height-Adjustable Bench is based on the Livello electric sit/stand mechanisms and aesthetic.
Single or linked, stations create a workspace that fully supports user sit/stand work heights, technology requirements and individual privacy.
Aesthetic and physical integration with Interpret™, Leverage® and other Teknion® systems products is supported in an offering focused on systems details, common screen datums, multiple electrical packages and two ranges of electric height adjustment.